It’s so sad!

59e15-dec2b30252c2b20142b11253a51253a342bamToday I learnt that one of my biggest fans passed away suddenly. I met him at a bike rally. I wasn’t in it but at one of their stops passing through our little town, I had set up a book signing at the tavern. “Tommy Deans” he bought the first book in my Lightning in the Tunnel series and I signed it for him. The next week he returned and wanted the next books in the series. Doug loved the first book and was an avid reader. He bought the rest of the series that were written and couldn’t wait until the next book was published. I would call him or he would call me upon learning another book was published. A year earlier, his wife Sherry battled Breast cancer and was on her way to recovery. Doug and I the last time we saw each other discussed possible endings of the series, he tried to guess which way I would go. He died suddenly before the book was actually published. It is still in editing. His wife told me that she wanted to get that book for the collection he had going. She told me that Doug complained of aches and pains, they thought it was arthritis in his body. It turned out to be cancer. At least he didn’t suffer long, he went in thirty days. God speed Doug until we meet again.