Written Word engages you!

No matter if you are sitting, standing, walking, lying down or somewhere in between. You are giving your brain the exercise it needs to keep active, making use of your imagination keeps that part from becoming senile by creating in your mind the scenes of action, sorrow and happiness the writer is trying to paint in the story. When actively engaged, your emotions allow you to feel what the writer is trying to portray. That is what writing is all about, getting you to feel, smell, taste and respond to the words you read. A good author  uses words prompting the readers senses and emotions. Even identical stories written by different authors will cause you to respond differently. When a writer fails to engage the reader, most never return to read another of the books by the same author. If the reader is not drawn into the story, they will put it down. If written by a well known author, they keep reading hoping the story will bloom suddenly. Whether the reader likes or dislikes a particular genre, they will read it if you write to engage the reader. Hopefully, each of us writers become better with each book we write. I found that true, as I look back on my earlier work, with each book I became better at keeping the reader engaged. To all readers out there, if a particular writer did not engage you in their first work, check out something later. If they are a multi-genre like myself, you might find some of their other works more to your liking.

Most of my works can be found on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye or on Smashwords for those not using kindle. Of course all my books are available in paperback as well. Talk back, I’m listening.    

So you are a new author, did you do it right?

Long before your first book is written, you should have established an on line presence to build your platform and establish yourself by making connections. I did not, so I am still suffering. If not, you better get busy. Hopefully you can make up for lost ground.(SELLS)

Now that the book is written, did you pay for a professional editor? If you don’t have the money then at least have several look at it and have it read out loud so you can listen to the story to see your flaws in the storyImage, so you can make improvements.. At least get a proof reader to catch typos and glaring mistakes. I had my books proof read but didn’t hire a professional to edit my books and now I am paying the price (Loss of sales, poor reviews) I hired a professional editor to go back and do my books.It is costly and time consuming but by the end of the year, they will have been properly edited.

Now you have done all that, get your book published and through your platform and connections, you can get the word out. If it is only an ebook, some things are easily done but still if you are an unknown be prepared for the long haul to get your sales up to par. Use every tool at your disposal to spread the word, use KDP free days, price roll backs and rafflecopter giveaways. Join GoodReads if you haven’t already along with other sites, Shelfari,LibraryThing, Marsocial, AuthorsDen, ASMSG, and LinkedIn along with your blogs to make yourself known. You can join many pay sites that will help get the word out if you have money to spare. They will help spread the word but remember, Author promotion is still your greatest challenge, not writing the high-quality book but marketing. Like all authors you have to do the leg work, no one can carry the load for you! Have great day, more tips forthcoming. TALK BACK, I’M LISTENING!    

Nonnie Jule’s blog pst

Image check out Nonnie’s books. 

Welcome to the second day of my 15 day “HAPPY BIRTHDAY:  ARE YOU WATCHING NONNIE WRITE?” Blog Tour and I’m here with the very supportive, A. G. Moye who was kind enough to take time out to share this beautiful space with me.

This month marks the one year anniversary of my burst onto the social media scene and during that time, I have published three REALLY GOOD books, and have learned so very much about the industry.  Although I’ve been a writer for most of my life (actually, I was born one), I only just became a published author in 2013.  Some might say “In that short amount of time, what does she know?” Well, I’m here to tell you that “SHE” has learned a lot!  “SHE” has taken the time to hone her skills in the writing department as well as her knowledge.  “SHE” has taken the bull by the horn and run full speed ahead in building her author platform and establishing herself in the writing industry.  “SHE” is making her name KNOWN.

On each stop of my tour, I share with you tips on writing, publishing and support, all topics equally important to the writing industry.  I hope that what I am imparting, you will take, mull over, and then act on in the best interest of YOU.

With that being said here is…


When you became an Author, did you imagine that you would have everything in common with all the other folks who wore the title? Did you think it would be easy simply because you were in the company (virtually, so to speak) of other writers?

When I became a published author, I initially met more resistance than offers to connect with certain individuals in the publishing world.  A few of them were clearly ONLY out for their own best interests, and didn’t wish to focus on furthering any career other than their own.  Then I met a friend and as we connected, we not only felt that we were walking the same road, challenges and successes equally, it became apparent to us that we were headed in the same direction.  She and I today call each other “SUCCESS PARTNERS.”  We email each other daily our top 5 things that we need to get done that day and we encourage each other to stay the path of our planned goals.

It was clear early on that and my friend and I were of like-mind.  We are two moms, both published authors, who battle daily the challenges of getting our books marketed and sold.  I understand her highs and lows and she understands mine.

I’ve since formed an organization where I am surrounded by like-minded people.  I will offer that the Governing Board, which I personally hand-picked to serve, is truly a family of like-minds.  It’s eerie sometimes to share our thoughts with one another only to find that there are others who share the same thoughts and have the same goals.

We have a membership now of over 300 individuals and I would like to think that they are also of like-mind.  The premiere basis of this organization {RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB} is that of true support, and in processing many of the membership applications which flow through, there is a common theme in the statements of potential members.  “I would like to support as well as be supported,”  is the one statement that makes us know this individual will do well as part of our family, where TEAM is defined as TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE.

It is very important to align yourself with people who share your ideals on success and support, you know…the ones who are going to lift you up and not try to tear you down.  The ones that you’re able to call on, lean on and garner support from;  those are the kinds of individuals to surround yourself with.

I’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heart-felt invitation to all of you to join us at RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB.  AS SOON AS you walk thru the door (i.e., see your name on the roster) you will feel this overwhelming sense of “HOME!” Here you will be supported…PROFILED, PROMOTED & PROPELLEDto the highest of heights.  Here you will be in the company of truly like-minds.  We all share a common goal here, and that is to succeed and to help others do the same.

I’m sitting here now waiting to process that application of yours which I know you will be sending thru shortly.  JOIN OUR LIKE-MINDS today! 

Thanks so much for having me A.G. and many thanks to your wonderful readers!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:                                                                     

 NONNIE Jules grew up loving books and everything about them.  She has traveled the world, jumped out of planes and climbed many mountains, all thanks to the wonderful world of literature.  She lives with her husband and two daughters on a very quiet strip of land in Louisiana, where red dirt roads and pick-up trucks go hand in hand.  She is the Author of three great reads at present:  “THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS,” 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can’t Help But Love!; “Daydream’s Daughter, Nightmare’s Friend” (a novel);  and “SUGARCOATIN’ IS FOR CANDY & PACIFYIN’ IS FOR KIDS!”  Nonnie is also Founder and President of the widely-known Rave Reviews Book Club, as well as being a sought-after book reviewer with a strong “eye” for perfection. 

She continues to write from many different genres and hopes to teach and touch minds and hearts alike with her very unique style of writing.  She loves positive feedback on her writing and personally responds to each and every email.  Nonnie can be reached at nonniejules@gmail.com, on Twitter @nonniejules, and do follow her blogs WATCH NONNIE WRITE! {nonniewrites.wordpress.com}  and ASK THE GOOD MOMMY {askthegoodmommy.wordpress.com}. 

Nonnie’s feet are firmly planted in her two most important platforms:  Parenting & Support, where she continually invites the masses to join her.


“THE GOOD MOMMIES’ GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS,” 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can’t Help But Love! – amazon.com/dp/B00CP62O56;  createspace.com/4355124

“Daydream’s Daughter, Nightmare’s Friend” – amazon.com/dp/B00GLM2VVM;  createspace.com/4386308


 Image Sorry, I am a day late in posting this. My apologizes to Nonnie. She can be found daily at Rave Reviews Book Club as Nonnie Jules, President


 She is a big supporter of mine, so I ask you to check her out and her books. A.G. 

Talk back, I’m listening even when no one else will!



Part Two of my interview by Arkansas Authors

Part two of my interview on Arkansas Authors

This is part two of our interview with A G Moye. You can read part one here.
Describe  your writing space. What do you like? What would you change?
My computer sits facing a window allowing me to look out when I need to let my mind wander to recall what a scene is in my head and get it right. My wife might relocate me but it is not my choice, I like it where it is.
Who are some of the authors you particularly admire or who’ve had some influence on your own writing?
Robert Heinlein, F.M. Busby, Arthur C. Clarke, L. Ron Hubbard, Isaac Asimov and Jean Auel come to mind. I don’t think I copy any of their styles but they could have some influence on my writing.
What is the best advice you could give an aspiring author?
Write what you feel and before you publish that first book make sure you have a good editor to go through it before publishing. Do not depend on a publisher’s in house editing to get it right. Afterwards, get it published don’t hold back thinking you will do it tomorrow because it may never come.
What is the best advice you’ve received from other authors or anyone else?
Write in the style you are most comfortable in. Don’t try to copy another author’s style because it won’t work for you. Also edited before publishing.
List your favorite quotation or words you live by.
Life is full of twists and turns, taking shortcuts is usually the longest path-A.G.Moye
Thinking outside the box, if you could do/be/accomplish anything in the world, what would it be?
Writing a best seller that becomes a classic in years to come. Secondly, to see one of my books made into a movie.
Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Tie-Robert Heinlein, he tells a good story and the way it flows is just great drawing you in and basically having a happy ending of sorts.
Jean Auel, her books are so descriptive that you feel you are right along side the characters in her Mother Earth series. I just hope I can draw my readers in as well as she does.
What book are you reading now?
Just finished “Troubles” by Ian Miller and did a review on it.
What is your favorite book by another author?
Tunnel in the sky by Robert Heinlien
What books have most influenced your life (other than the Bible if that is your first thought)?
That is a hard question to answer, I read a lot and couldn’t begin to list them. When I am not writing my own stories, I am usually reading.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
Vic Boquard, Ian Miller and Wendy Owens
What author support groups/activities do you participate in?
GoodReads, LinkedIn, Author’s Den, LiteraryThing, Cultural Club, Shelfari, Rebel Mouse, and M.A.R.Social. With my own group on Marsocial called “Lightning Chronicles”
Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
Marsocial members have supported more than any other group.  Arkansas Authors have increased their support of me along with Rebel Mouse.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
My books are for entertainment purposes mainly but most can gleam a little about life from each book. Even the violent ones like my Lightning In the Tunnel Series has a message about life. Overcoming what knocks you down.

Read more about A. G.’s book, Sasha a beam of light
Tomorrow in our Book Spotlight
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A G Moye
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– See more at: http://arkansasauthors.com/author-interview-g-moye-2/#sthash.46AQJ22u.dpuf

Janice Ross-Author

Meet Janice Ross-Rave Review Book Club

 Displaying Jumping Ship CreateSpace.jpg

Today’s post is from Rave Review Book Club introducing author Janice Ross the author of the week selection by the book club. I have not read any of her work, yet but it sounds interesting. Hopefully, you find her just as interesting. 

My Dear, Sweet Guyana
The first book in the Island Hopping Series is Jumping Ship. It is a pre-release novella, and will be followed by the following books:
Trinidad & TobagoGrenadaBarbadosSaint LuciaMartiniqueAntiguaGuyana
I’ve done extensive research for this series, and hope that readers come to love the unique cultures of each country. I have a personal connection to one of the countries. I was born in Guyana, South America and migrated to the USA in 1980. In fact, I dedicated Jumping Ship to my country of birth.
Guyana is the only official English speaking country on the continent of South America. It is situated just above the equator, bordered by the mighty Atlantic to the north, and somewhat lost amongst a slew of countries―Brazil to the south, Suriname to the east, and Venezuela to the west.In the nation, whose name means “land of many waters”, there is a mixture of strength, courage and determination. For many that have lived on the land, or that currently reside there, they proudly confess, “I am a Guyanese”!Over its growth as a colony of the Dutch, French, and British, it has established and re-established its right to be recognized. No one can claim Guyana as exclusively their own because the Indians from east and west, Chinese from across the world, and many blacks from West Africa and beyond have formed deep roots in its resource rich land.
This is Guyana, my Guyana. And no matter where I go, no matter whom I love, my heart will forever belong to my dear, sweet Guyana. *****

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Janice Ross was born in Guyana, South America and migrated to the USA in 1980. Although her citizenship certificate now reads the United States of America, she considers herself a citizen of the world. Sure she has not physically been around the world and back, but she’s travelled in her mind and dreams.Janice is an author. She enjoys writing about social issues and personal experiences. Janice’s debut release was entitled Damaged Girls. She uses the three books in that series to detail the effects of different forms of abuse, discussing issues that are known to be taboo. Her next release, Jumping Ship, is a dedication to her country of birth and an introductory novella to the Island Hopping Series – due out in 2014. It’s poised to be a colorful and emotional experience of life, love and family. As of present, she is also a contributor to a short story collection – Just Between Us, Inspiring Stories by Women. And lastly, Loving Nate is a novella about the realities of losing one’s self to love.Janice enjoys reading. And is drawn to stories with distinct characters that she can love or hate, characters she can form alliances with or characters that she can swear off and despise. She is also weak for a good cultural tale, preferably in the form of historical fiction. Janice loves to be taken off guard by clever language and settings.Janice is also a devout supporter and promoter of other authors through social media. She hosts a weekly show, Cultural Cocktails, on the largest social radio network, Blog Talk Radio.
You can connect with Janice onWebsite: www.culturalcocktails.comTalk show: www.blogtalkradio.com/culturalcocktailsBlog http://jgrwriter.wordpress.com &http://myculturalcocktails.wordpress.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/JGRWriterFaceBook https://www.facebook.com/Cultural.Cocktails&https://www.facebook.com/jgrwriter?ref=hl
Google+https://plus.google.com/104579627944902429382/posts/p/pub?partnerid=gplp0LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/pub/janice-ross/58/691/894/Connect with Janice at the sites listed above. 

While you are checking out Janice be sure to stop by my author’s page at http://www.amazon.com/author/agmoye  Talk back, I’m listening!

Pure Trash – Bette A.Stevens



BAS Star copy

Prejudice,class division,poverty,injustice and bullying – Bette A.Stevens

Special spotlight post

Excerpt from “PURE TRASH” By Bette A, Stevens

Find Bette’s books at http://www.Amazon.com/author/betteastevens

A trip through PURE TRASH continues…
As a baby boomer that grew up in an average middle-class family in America during the 1950s and 1960s, poverty was not something I had to dwell on or even think about as a child or as a teen. As an adult, I learned what living in poverty was like from friends and acquaintances that grew up in this invisible (to me) world―one where being poor was an accepted part of life for those who lived it. I became intrigued by some of their stories. ~ Bette A. Stevens

“It’s 1955 and we’re entering scene 2. So hop off your bike…
(That’s right—the one you hopped on in scene 1 and pedaled for three miles to get here.)

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