Finding a place to dream.

f5c9c-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bam Dreams can happen anytime and any place. They are not necessarily only for nighttime. As I wander through this thing called life, I have found that dreams are the inspiration that sets you on a path to do something or just accomplish a dream. I have been a blogger for a few years now and I’m impressed by how some dreamers make their dreams come true. For example, there is one Cindy Knoke that I follow her blog. She is not a professional photographer but loves to take pictures of places, animals and other points of interest. She has become very good at it, I always enjoy her posts of birds, wild animals and places very few of us get to visit. She doesn’t claim to be a professional but I can’t tell the difference. Her pictures of life in the Holler are to be enjoyed as well. Writers are dreamers as well, especially fiction writers like me. They have to do it with their eyes open and fingers on the key board or paper. We have to picture the characters, places we invent, and see the action taking place in our mind to get it right.

Where do you dream at? Don’t tell me that you never dream. You might not know it but dreams are a place where your controlled mind can escape and think of what if? It might dream of a better life, doing something you never did before or even fantasize about your soul mate and where to find them but you do dream just never noticed or recalled.

Talk back, I’m listening and have a great day.

Blogging a must for a writer

b8199-goodreads_logo_140-5b3e47356388131c1699f0baca28a234  Even though my time is limited for blogging because right now I am caught up in writing my story called “Saddle Spur” I realize it is important to remain in touch with my readers and the world. Unlike when I wrote my previous books, two or three at a time, Saddle Spur has me concentrating and working on it alone. The story keeps rolling through scene by scene faster than I can put it on the computer. Yet I know I can not negligent my blogging time.

I was under the weather for the past few days and tried to write but it wasn’t coming out right so as not to screw up the story, I just didn’t write during those periods when my train of thought kept getting derailed. I don’t know what I had but one thing was clear, I lost a thought in mid-motion trying to put it on the computer. I think I’m getting better, been taking medicine to clear my head. Still you can see by this blog jumping all around that I am not really back to my old self. I hope whatever this is goes away quickly. I have a lot more writing to get done and back on my other books that are partly complete.

I hope you can follow my ramblings in this blog. Anyway talk back, I’m listening as always. Have a great week.

So busy writing, no time for blogging

f5c9c-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bam Every once in awhile I get locked in writing one of my books. Right now, I’m locked in writing my first and most likely my only western, well sort of it is set back in 1870. I wrote 90% of it then went back to rewrite the whole thing. Outside my front window I can see a horse called Freckles. He gave me an idea on improving the story after talking with my wife. In her younger days she was a horse trainer and trick rider. I told her about some of the things I wanted John’s horse to do in the book as John’s side kick. So I rewrote it adding the parts I thought I wanted, she checked me and said it is all within the rim of possibility so I wasn’t having Wildoats do anything that was not do able. I think it adds extra flavor to the story besides John’s miss-adventures in life. Tonight’s typing was one of the best scenes, in my mind anyway but you all will have to wait and see when the book gets out later this year, I hope.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by, I hope Saddle Spur will tickle your fancy and offer you a good adventure story. I am still wondering when it is published whether to classify it as a YA or adult western because John is only nineteen when his adventure begins. What do you think, there is hilarious parts also. Hmm.

Talk back, I’m listen as always.