My most cherished item-blog post

poster 2x (2) Since I don’t have any object (term used literally) I really cherish except for wife and children, grandchildren and great grand children. I posted a picture of my first published book that means a lot to me after my wife pushed me to publish. I had been writing for years and rewriting the story and never once gave a thought to actually publishing the book. Sort of closet writer as a stress reliever from my everyday life in management.  After reading the first book, she pushed for a year until I finally gave in. I had no idea about publishing and once I did publish this book. I took it upon myself to learn all about the publishing industry and now have a lot more books published and this time I didn’t have to pay to have it published. You won’t find the book on any bookstore shelves except the local Hastings under local authors.  I paid good money for the cover being exactly what I wanted, hence that is why I cherish it so much. Under my wife’s urging I have now published fifteen books and that is why I cherish my first book so much.  It may never make a best seller list but it is listed in the Library of Congress and has a copyright in my name. Something no one but my children and family may some day look at.  Have a great day following the Cherish Blog fest and I will drop in on many of you over the next three days. Follow this blog for book reviews, cover reveals and more.Cherished Blogfestclick on the blog fest symbol for others to follow.

Dangerous Rescue excerpts by A.G. Moye


As I wind up writing “Dangerous Rescue” I thought I would share a couple of excerpts from the book and get your feedback. Until I finish it, I still have no cover for it. I will have someone create one when it is ready for editing. Then really start getting the word out, in the meantime here is excerpt #1 near the end of the book.

The kiss took their breath away, afterwards they were both panting looking into each other’s eyes. “I love you so much,” Sandy said as she gently caressed his face with her loving touch.“I love you, too.” Brad said when he could speak. In her eyes, he could have sworn he looked into the deep blue ocean, rolling and churning from emotions surging through her body.  

Excerpt #2 

“Okay, you two break it up, it is my turn.” Bitch said as she slid between them. Others laughed but Bitch and Brad locked eyes.

Brad stared into her eyes seeing the love and softness in them for him. Unlike Sandy’s eyes earlier, he didn’t see the deep blue ocean but a calm blueness like a gentle blue sky. Looking deeper, Brad saw dark storm clouds gathered on the horizon of her blue sky, knowing the storm could erupt in a second but not now.

“You two going to kiss or just stare at each other?” Sandy joked watching them looking at each other. Brad felt strange not having to tilt his head down, she was almost the same height as him making kissing of her the same as Michele.

What do you think, did I catch the moment or could it have been said better?

Talk back, I’m Listening and have a great day!

Took a week off, did you miss me?

f5c9c-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bamI took a week off now I am back at blogging. I found my “People helping People” volunteering services takes up a lot of my time so i didn’t blog for awhile. Still, all the time I am spending being local President did not keep me from a little reading. I read Bob Mayer’s “West Point to Mexico (duty, honor and courage trilogy) and will do a rating and review on my other blog, Lightning Chronicles at this next week along with placing it on Amazon and GoodReads. I am behind in placing several reviews on GoodReads and will catch up this week, I hope.

I did managed to get in a few hours writing as well on my “Dangerous Rescue” part of the Lightning in the Tunnel series. In between all this, I made a counter that my wife asked for in the kitchen to go with the island I built for her. So it has been a busy time for me as you can see. It is a balancing act I have to do everyday to keep my mind happy working on my books along with dedicating time for my volunteer work along with keeping the wife happy. Thank goodness I am retired or I couldn’t have done all this and work also.

Talk back, I’m listening, have a great week!