Thanks #RRBC it has been an interesting two years but so long.

f5c9c-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bamFor almost two years I’ve been a member of the
Rave Reviews Book Club #RRBC and have supporter their efforts  to get the word out about various unknown authors. I have read and reviewed many of the books written by their membership. I tweeted, blogged and did all I could to support them.  But in January I made the decision that I would no longer renew my membership in any organization that requires a membership fee. My membership is up at the end of the month so R.R.B.C. will join Author’s Den, American Marketing Club, Southern Authors and Arkansas Authors along with any other organizations that charge a fee. I had hoped that sales of my books would cover all these fees but it never happened. If RRBC requires their membership to remove me from any of their member’s tweeter accounts, then so be it.   I will remain as a member of all those sites that do not charge a fee. The cost of editing has drained my expendable cash and I can no longer afford to pay membership fees regardless of the amount. So RRBC you have my support anytime but I’m not paying to support you.

On other topics, I will continue to support Indie authors by my reviews and my blogs. Have a great day, talk back, I’m listening. A.G. Moye

Why I do not buy followers.

f5c9c-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bam I am constantly finding new followers on Twitter that want to sell me followers for x-dollars. I don’t know if any celebrities subscribe to buying followers so they can show a lot of support. I my case, it took five years to build my followers up to ten thousand and I know not all of them are supporters. A few just want to sell me something. For their information, I am not buying. I quickly reached eleven thousand and climbing. On GoodReads, I have not reached a thousand yet but getting close. The same on LinkedIn, I think I am closer to a thousand there. On my two blogs, I have a few regular followers but a few hundred visitors on average. My WordPress blog, this one I have over a hundred followers, I think if I am reading it right and mostly the visitors are just those following the blog. As on both blogs, it depends on the subject matter. I know most will find this boring but what the heck.

I have reached several decisions in my social media life. The biggest one is I will not pay to be part of any group to help sell me and my books. I have followers world wide and do not wish to limit myself to one local group. You can find me on twitter at, Tumbler as AG.Moye  and on LinkedIn at :/// and on GoodReads at and as always on my Amazon account at  I am also on Smashwords for my most popular book chronicles of the marauder You can find me on a lot of other sites as well. Every ebook I publish is also available in paperback for those wishing to hold one in your hands. Have a great day. Talk back, I’m listening!

Talking about my writing

b1fda-closeupfour2On my other blog at I talked about what kind of writer I was and how I should be classified. The only reason I am mentioning it here is I think that my series “Lightning in the Tunnel” was correctly listed as a Dystopia/apocalyptic since that is how it started off but the series takes Brad and his wives (Yes I said Wives because in the future world they created it is perfectly legal and everyone does it)  through the world that was turned upside down in a nuclear war. Their life and battles to create a new nation that unites the world in world peace, one government with total human rights. Armies are eliminated but then they make one mistake to help those on earth to new homes in space giving people something to look forward to instead of feeling trapped on Earth. Brad serves two terms as President of this peaceful Earth where all wars have been eliminated. Children grow up and time passes as more and more humans go into space as Large mining corporations seek to control the riches found on other planets and in the Asteroid Belt. A Gold rush buy ordinary citizens to these new rich areas causes a split in those on Earth and those living in space. Two of Brad’s wives become bored living in a world where there is no wars for them to fight and go into space as Admirals in charge of fleets being sent to Jupiter’s moons and Saturn’s moons to explore for future mining operations and settlements. Then tragedy strikes when a bacteria in the Martian soil gets into the food chain on Mars and is carried on ships traveling to and from Mars. The Martian Bug as it is known destroys the human body from inside. Death is very painful and they had nothing to prevent it. Soon, Any ship or any personnel that came in contact with this bacteria was forbidden to return to earth putting a permanent wall between those going into space and those Earth bound. Laws were passed and a space fleet created to insure no one in contact with any thing coming from Mars or the other colonies ever touched Earth’s soil. Luna and the space stations in orbit around Earth were considered part of Earth. The choice then became stay on Earth and Luna or forever be banned from returning to Earth. The right to vote was stripped from anyone becoming a spacer. In the midst of all this a former Admiral of the British Navy sees his son succumb to a horrible death in front of his eyes from the Martian Bug and he becomes the new President of Terra. Brad’s step daughter, Ronda dies the same death. Time passes and Cat, the Admiral of the Saturn fleet has contact by Aliens believing the Earth had finally grown up enough to become galactic citizens. She contacts Brad not knowing who else to speak to about the Aliens, with the World Congress passing so many laws about those in outer space and building armed ships to insure the blockade can not be run. They would shoot the Aliens on site. Brad then asks his wives to have a space craft built that they could use to go meet with these aliens and try to keep the peace between humans. In the last book of the series I have published, I called “A Need for Lightning”  Lightning became the name of their craft. So after the first seven books, I guess I should label it a Science fiction series.  Just my thoughts tonight. Talk back, I’m listening.

Character Interview-Lightning in Tunnel Begins

d5575-8242144539_bbff92029f_bbeginsEvery once in a while I think my readers would like to hear what my main character Brad was thinking when significant events occurred in the story and how he felt when they did.
The first thing I asked Brad was, how did you feel that morning? I was slightly hung over from drinking the night before, I slept only a couple of hours. I was unnerved because I did something stupid the night before that made my wife, Vicki jealous.
What did you do? Maybe it was the alcohol, but when I started kissing Michele, my co-worker, I couldn’t stop until Vicki yelled at us. I felt like Michele’s emerald eyes drew me into her. Vicki was angry all the way home.

What was the other strange occurrence that fateful morning? Walking out of the front offices after unlocking them for Michele, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and a strange sensation swept my body. I learned later this was a premonition of danger.
What was the hardest decision you had to make that morning? I had planned on where I would survive if an nuclear bomb hit while at work. What I didn’t plan on was Michele coming into the room all confused on what was going on. Knowing Vicki had been jealous of her, it was a difficult decision to make to take her along with me. I couldn’t just let her die. It was mighty suspicious that the two of us were conveniently together.
After the bomb hit, what was the next hardest thing you had to face? Making Michele understand that the world outside was not the same as it once was. Also, realizing what Michele and I did, how would I explain to Vicki that I cheated on her. Not something I ever did in my life.
When you left your survival place, what went through your mind? By the time we left, I knew I couldn’t just dump Michele, she would never live very long on her own. I knew I would have to face Vicki’s wrath and hopefully she would forgive me in time. If she kicked Michele out of the Tomb when we arrived, I was ready to send Michele packing if Vicki took me back.
When you found out that your wife was not in your shelter you called the “Tomb”, what went through your mind.? I know Michele must have breathed a sigh of relief learning Vicki was not there. I was torn, worried that she survived and relieved that the awful confrontation did not take place. I know my daughter Cindi was upset seeing me with an another woman.
Why didn’t you stay at the “Tomb” to see if she would show up in a couple of days? There was too much hostility in the Tomb between the survivors there. I felt it was best we leave right away before someone got killed.
Why didn’t your son come with you, why just your daughter? He pretended not to notice I was alive, I think Brian wished I had perished and not returned. Cindi, on the other hand was pleased to see me, she made it clear she wanted to get away from the others in the Tomb.
Having only females go with you, did you not see this as a problem? The thought never crossed my mind that any of the younger girls would want me. I knew years before that Jenny had a crush on me, Vicki set her straight on that.
What did you think when Michele decided to allow the younger girls to have sex with you? When Michele told Jenny that she could have me occasionally, I visioned my my life with Vicki, that was why I felt so dirty making love to Michele. Vicki was my my one and only. This sharing crap went against my grain. When Angel was allowed into the rotation, I felt like a piece of meat and began questioning if Michele actually loved me, as she professed.
Why did you go along with this sharing crap as you called it? Because I allowed myself to be weak with Michele, I was angry with her when she started it. I should have put my foot down right then and there, but didn’t. I realized then the world had changed and these girls had lost everything they loved or valued. Who was I to deny them a little happiness.
Why did you keep it up if you didn’t like it? I slowly started to love them all, if Vicki had shown up, I am not sure what I would have done. Early on, I might have walked away from them but as time passed, I could not just up and walk away. Also, I drew less certain Vicki had survived.
Thanks for spending a little time with me and sharing your thoughts. One last request, where can a reader find a book? for the ebook or at Smashwords at this link For a paperback Amazon or Createspace or at Createspace
Have great day, talk back, I’m listening!

Gone Fishin`


Gone Fishing should have been my blog post this week since I have been doing just that for four days and not on social media. I was shocked that it was so relaxing doing nothing but holding a fishing rod in my hand. This was my first time fishing from a boat instead of on shore. It was an enlightening experience just concentrating on catching a cat fish. My mind must have felt at ease not thinking about one of my stories i am writing or editing. Or even wondering what book to read and review. What to blog about if I had nothing scheduled. I think it did my mind good not being cluttered and only one prevailing thought, catch a big one! I did and you should have seen the smile on my face. To bad there were no cameras available at the time. I did take a few snap shots or correction, my wife did showing me with my cat fish on a picnic table. Maybe later I will put one on one of my blogs for the fisherperson out there to enjoy. I know fisherperson is not a word but trying to be political correct now days I couldn’t use fisherman since a fisher can be a man or woman. LOL!
Talk back, I’m listening as always. Hope you had a relaxing week as I did. I plan on going back and doing another one day thing, no camping this time.