GoodReads, are you there?


For an author, Goodreads is a is one of the must be places if you want to find readers for your work. I have been on there for over two years. Getting reviewed there can happen but for most books to be selected as a book of the month requires at least a hundred reviews with most reviews being over a four star rating. You can not nominate your own books but if you have a friend or reader that is a member of Goodreads, they can nominate you. Then the hard part is getting enough members to vote for your book. If you are a nationally known author, you are in the running with ease. Still, getting the word out about your books is helped having them on Goodreads.

For those newbies, another good place to learn all about publishing and what you have to do to get your baby published. I would recommend you join LinkedIn to obtain the information you need to go about getting it published. Don’t make the same mistake I made of publishing first then learning what I should have done to be successful. Going back and starting all over is twice as hard as doing it right the first time. Either way, until you build an author’s platform, you might as well be pissing in the wind.

Most everyone is published on Amazon these days. Being committed to having your book for ninety days on Amazon when you first publish is no big deal. Ninety days is nothing in the book world, now days. After the ninety days, I would suggest that you not re-up for another ninety days but place your book elsewhere, such as Smashwords to reach different readers. You will leave it on Amazon plus adding another site. The more places you can gain exposure, the better. Amazon will still remain the place where you sell the majority of your books unless you sell them through a well promoted website.

another good place to be is the Black Orchid Book club, they are international like GoodReads, if you can get them to read your book (s).  For those struggling to build their author’s platform, Rave Review Book Club is another worth looking into even though they charge. Author’s Den, World Literary cafe, LibraryThing, Shelfari and a host of other places is a nice place to have your books on. The more places your books appear, the better for you even though I have as yet to learn of any of my books selling on those sights. I guess, since most connect directly to Amazon, I don’t know when the other sites helped me or not.

Talk back, I’m listening as always. Have a great weekend!

Rave Review Book Club Recruitment day-#RRBC

It is once again time for the monthly recruit drive for this organization. If you are a new author or an existing author that your books or brand is going nowhere, The Rave Reviews Book Club is for you. They do charge for membership and require you to review four books (of your choosing) per year but they can spread the word about you and your books through their #PushTuesdays or author spotlight program. If you choose to join, tell them A.G. Moye sent you, I am in the running for a prize given for the most new members. Check them out, you might find it is just what you are needing to revive your sagging brand. take a look at this link It won’t cost you a cent to look. Have a great day! Talk back, I’m listening Feel free to follow this blog, I follow back!

Talking about me, ho-hum

Caught a lot of interest, so I decided to re-post this for those that might have missed it. A.G.


73825-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bamAs the week draws to an end, I found myself wide awake at three in the morning when another story brought me awake. It wouldn’t let me go back to sleep until I wrote most of the first chapter in my head. Then, two hours later it allowed me to sleep. Now is the hard part of putting it on the computer. This means now, the other books I am working on are on hold until I get the outline done. This will be the first time I have outlined a story before writing the book. It is called “The Unlucky Penny”  Maybe the events of the police and Black people problems had something to do with triggering this story. It is about a 38 year-old female homicide detective, Penny Goldwig that reacts the wrong way to taunting. This will be only my second attempt to write in the first…

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Talking about me, ho-hum

73825-dec2b302c2b20142b113a513a342bamAs the week draws to an end, I found myself wide awake at three in the morning when another story brought me awake. It wouldn’t let me go back to sleep until I wrote most of the first chapter in my head. Then, two hours later it allowed me to sleep. Now is the hard part of putting it on the computer. This means now, the other books I am working on are on hold until I get the outline done. This will be the first time I have outlined a story before writing the book. It is called “The Unlucky Penny”  Maybe the events of the police and Black people problems had something to do with triggering this story. It is about a 38 year-old female homicide detective, Penny Goldwig that reacts the wrong way to taunting. This will be only my second attempt to write in the first person as I become Penny. The reason I am outlining the story is my wife has agreed to help me by pointing out things that are not as a female would do or react. She was surprised I even wanted to do it in the first person but she said she would help me get it right. So this will be interesting at the least for me.  A fiction book in today’s setting. Hopefully it will be out in 2016 because I can’t spend all my time on this book, I have to complete some others that I have started or nearing completion for 2015. I am grateful that my mind keeps coming up with new books but sometimes wish it would let me finish others before demanding attention. LOL

Have a great day, enjoy your weekend and talk back, I’m listening!

Strong Women Characters

I was reading a thread on LinkedIn and they were talking about strong kick-ass women. Most did not like the weak, “Save me” or shopping only female with nothing on their minds except how good they looked with the male cohort doing all the thinking for them. It made me think about my female characters in my Lightning in the Tunnel series. Most are kick-ass and take names characters. They had to be to survive in the post nuclear-war world. Not only were they the deadliest-fighters, they were forward thinkers. When Brad wanted to build a new home, they wanted to build a new nation and eliminate wars on Earth. Through this series, they do just that. Pictured here is the cover of the first book in the series. It is available in both ebook and paperback for you readers to enjoy. I will even provide you with a couple of links so if you want, you can read part of it to see if it is something you would like.  http:/ and for those wishing paperbacks, the link is

I know I never push books written by myself on this site but the thread on LinkedIn got me thinking. Most people never heard of the book, after all it is an Apocalyptic/Dystopia type book. Not for the squeamish.

Talk back, I’m listening!

There are no Write-By-Numbers kits …

Very true, don’t look at the numbers, they mean very little and keep on writing getting better each time,

Books: Publishing, Reading, Writing

When I was a kid, we spent our summers at the family cottage, north of Toronto. Two entire months to amuse ourselves – preferably, according to my mother, out-of-doors. But there were often rainy days we’d be forced to spend inside, and one of the “hobbies” I got into was Paint-By-Numbers. My parents would buy a kit and I’d create a work of art (in my mother’s eyes only, of course) that would then be framed to hang on a nail. But eventually, over the years, that painting would either fall behind the furniture, or be replaced by a genuine work of art. I prided myself on those “paintings” because I managed to keep inside the lines and always used the recommended colours of paint.

So much for encouraging any creativity or originality.

Now that I’m writing and publishing, I’m very glad that no one has ever come up with…

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A little bored today, how about you?

George (18) I don’t know why I am feeling bored. I watched one football game today to allow my slight hangover fade. When the second one started, I couldn’t get into it. It has turned into a blowout anyway so I guess I was justified in not setting in front of the tube and doing nothing. At half time, I sat down here and checked my emails and other blogs I follow. Nothing caught my interest so I went to Facebook and scanned the stream for awhile letting my wife comment while I watched. She likes to make comments on other posts. When she grew tired of it, I took back my computer and checked the WordPress blogs I follow. Nothing caught my attention there except for a post by “The Reading Ape” so I liked it and decided to post this blog. Celebrating my wife and three of my friend’s birthday a little too much was what put me into a do nothing funk for most of the day. I guess next week I have to get to posting some more reviews of the books I have read but not posted yet. The nice thing about being a reviewer is I get to read for free a lot of books that I normally would not. I was surprised to find many caught and held my attention to the end. Normally if it is not my favorite genre, I lose interest quickly. Not so with this latest batch!

What do you do when you get bored? Or do you ever get bored?

Talk back, I’m listening.

I should be in bed!

9d135-addtogoodreads Like the picture, I couldn’t think of what I wanted to post staying up late . So I just went to my media pictures and saw this one. I hope WordPress don’t ban me like they did the Opinionatedman for pushing good reads because I have my books there. LOL. It was sure sad to learn what they did to him, I met a lot of fellow bloggers on his meet and greet thread. Some actually followed me back, that was nice. When you want to blog but don’t really know what you want to say, this is what you get.

I didn’t want to post another reblog or another tour, I am posting enough of those on my other blog spot called Lightning Chronicles. I enjoy supporting Indie authors, don’t get me wrong but I guess I want to say something about things on my mind. I haven’t been going for my morning walks, it has been too cold for me. It is easier to stay in bed with the warm wife to keep me warm. LOL Yet that allows my blood sugar to stay high. I’m a diabetic. All the holidays didn’t help either, I guess I put on a few extra pounds. There is a slight warming trend coming up so I should get back to walking. Using the gazelle exerciser helps some but not enough.

Besides blogging and commenting on  other post, I haven’t written a single word in the three books I am working on. That is unusual for me. I normally spend about six hours a day working on my books, writing or working with my new editor.

Talk back, I’m Listening!